OJS - Osaka Japanese Steakhouse
OJS stands for Osaka Japanese Steakhouse
Here you will find, what does OJS stand for in Hospitality under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Osaka Japanese Steakhouse? Osaka Japanese Steakhouse can be abbreviated as OJS What does OJS stand for? OJS stands for Osaka Japanese Steakhouse. What does Osaka Japanese Steakhouse mean?The United States based company is located in Odessa, Texas engaged in restaurants industry.
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Alternative definitions of OJS
- Orenthal James Simpson
- Orchestre des Jeunes de Strasbourg
- Operation Jump Start
- Output Job Solutions
- On the Job Search
- Operation Jump Start
- Orange Jetpack Studios
View 9 other definitions of OJS on the main acronym page
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- OECL Owl Energy Consultants Ltd
- OGRA Ontario Good Roads Association
- OEFC The Orchard Evangelical Free Church
- OSFI Okanagan Specialty Fruits Inc.
- ODHR Oak Drive Hotels and Resorts
- OCL Omega Construction Ltd
- OS The Optical Shoppe
- OFS Ozone Fitness n Spa
- OCMC O.C. Mcdonald Co.
- OPD Oceanside Police Dept
- OLEN Open Learning Exchange Nepal
- OICC Oxford International College of Chengdu
- OSFASFA Open Society Foundation for Albania – Soros Foundation in Albania
- OAG One Asia Group
- OGR Olive Garden Restaurant
- OIS Omega Integrated Systems